The Two Way Radio Carry Case is a practical accessory to protect and transport your Motorola TLKR 5, 7, and 8 two-way radios! It has an ultra-compact foam interior that protects your equipment against bangs.
8 compartments: for two-way radios, 2 chargers, 2 batteries, and accessories
Protective case
Designed for Motorola TLKR T5 and Motorola TLKR T7, T8
Compact foam interior protects equipment Dimensions: 315 x 290 x 97mm
Portable radios and equipment not included
Product Specs.
Two Way Radio Carry Case
Manufacturer part #
Accessory Type
Carry case
Is Accessory of
Walkie Talkie
Product Reviews
Frederic Marboeuf
Posted 21/03/2022Collected via Trustpilot
Super pratique!
Super practical!
Posted 01/08/2017Collected via Onedirect
Bon produit, mais fermeutre plastic compliquée avec un risque de casse récurant.
Good product, but complicated plastic fastener with a recurring risk of breakage.
Posted 17/06/2017Collected via Onedirect
cette malette est avec un logo one direct... aucune info prealable
this briefcase is with a one direct logo... no prior info
. Yvescity01
Posted 08/10/2015Collected via Onedirect
Superbe la mallette Professionnelle pour ranger ces Talkie-walkie ; on peu en ranger deux voir quatre .Robuste en plastique dur et ça mousse a l’intérieurpour protégé votre équipement .Je vous recommande ce produit ;cent pour centsatisfais.
Superb Professional case to store these walkie-talkies; you can store two or even four of them. Robust hard plastic and foam inside to protect your equipment. I recommend this product; one hundred percent satisfied.
. YG69
Posted 09/07/2015Collected via Onedirect
Mousse non conforme à l'image et de qualité moyenne.Enorme logo Onedirect sur la face principale, on a pas forcément envie de faire de la pub pour Onedirect ! Impossible d'être discret...
Foam not consistent with the image and of average quality. Huge Onedirect logo on the main face, we don't necessarily want to advertise for Onedirect! Impossible to be discreet...
. TIto54140
Posted 02/07/2015Collected via Onedirect
Mallette pour Talkie-walkie très pratiquepour le transport est bien étudié pour les compartiments.-Le prix peut être un peu chèreavec la livraison.mise a part ça bon produit et je le recommande.
Case for walkie-talkie very practical for transport is well studied for the compartments.-The price can be a little expensive with the delivery. apart from that good product and I recommend it.
41 Customers reviews
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