Before you order please check the below:

  • Is the device compatible with your phone provider? If you are unsure, please call your provider to check.
  • Does your phone provider allows you to buy devices from 3rd party resellers (such as Onedirect). Some providers require you to buy only from them, please check with them first.
  • Is your current equipment (router, connections, etc) ready to use a VoIP (voice over IP) phone? If you are unsure, please call your provider to check.
  • Please only place an order with us if you are certain that the device will work. Still, if you place the order and it doesn’t work out and you need to return it, please make sure to return the product in the same condition as you received it (brand new) as it needs to be resold, please don’t use the product box for shipping, use a separate box.

BT will be turning off all old Copper wire lines by 2025 and swapping to IP phone lines.

Read our blog here to find out more